WHO we strive to be
is a gathering of people in Fremantle that experience and express; know and make known the steadfast love and pursuit of God to bring people into whole relationship with Him, oneself, all others and place.
Our postures are informed by our understanding of God revealed complete in Jesus and we are empowered to live them through the Holy Spirit.
Just as Jesus pursues us, we pursue others by looking for opportunities to spend time with those in our community. We embrace others with joy, care, and enthusiasm, regardless of their background or beliefs.
Fremantle Church is committed to defining ourselves by what we are for instead of what we are against. We challenge ourselves to live in a spirit of compassion, kindness, peace, and meekness, eschewing attitudes of fear, disdain, and apathy for our fellow man.
We recognise God as the greatest of all Creators and long to cultivate the spirit of creativity in our homes, congregation, and community. By creating and consuming good things, we fulfil our human design, reflect the Creator God, and push back the boundaries of darkness.
Our desire is to live out God’s commandment to love our neighbour because we recognise that we too need the mercy and compassion of others. We strive to care for our community and God’s creation because God first cared for us.
Our desire is that our lives show others who Jesus is so that they too can encounter God. We do not view others as projects or sinners who need conversion. However, we naturally share our love of God with our friends and family, just like we would share any other passion or interest.
Just as God rested as part of the Creation process, we too practice the art of slowing down to celebrate what God has done. In the busy-ness of life, we recognise our tendency to turn productivity and ambition into idolatry. By taking time to rest, we resist the prevalent culture of our day and direct our hearts toward trust in God.
When we aren’t in awe of the vastness and power of God, we are tempted to believe that we ourselves are in control. The posture of awe causes us to worship the Lord, teaching us humility and causing us to be thankful for God’s overwhelming power and mercy.