What to expect

Whether you’ve never been to church or just never been to Fremantle Church, it’s always comforting to know what to expect.

What happens during a church service?

The worship service lasts for 90 minutes, from 10.15am – 11.30am. Most people arrive a few minutes early in order to get settled, but it’s fine if you show up late. We occasionally have afternoon tea in the hall directly after the worship service. Generally speaking, the first 25 minutes include the welcome, a few songs, and a prayer. After that, the children will be dismissed to Freo Kids, someone reads a passage from the Bible, and the minister delivers a sermon. Following the sermon, we will partake in communion*, church announcements are made, and we sing the final songs. The entire service is normally over by 11:30. Immediately following the service, parents pick up their children from the creche and/or Freo Kids, and tea is occasionally served in the Gathering Hall.

Where do i park?

Entry to our carpark is at 32 Holdsworth Street, which is the rear of the property. The entry should be marked with blue flags. You can also usually find street parking along both High and Holdsworth Streets.

Can i bring kids?

Please bring your kids! Children of all ages are welcome in the worship service, even if they get fussy. It doesn’t bother us! You are also invited to use any of the following services:

  • CRECHE: We offer a staffed creche for children from birth through age four. The creche is located in the rear of the building and is staffed through the entire service. You are welcome to sign in your children any time, even if you arrive late. No worries!

  • FREO KIDS – (Children’s Church): Children who are toilet trained through year three are welcome in our Freo Kids service. This program gives the children an age-appropriate lesson as an alternative to the regular worship service. The kids and their teachers are in the service for the music portion and are dismissed just before the sermon begins. Feel free to walk back with your child if you think that will help settle them.

  • INFANT CARE ROOM: Near the entrance to the chapel is an infant care room you can use at any time. It is furnished with a feeding chair, nappy changing facilities, and toys. This room is also equipped with sound so you don’t have to miss anything happening in the service.

What do i wear?

There is no expected dress at Fremantle Church. Some will look like they just rocked up off the beach (it’s Freo, so they probably did) while others might be wearing a dress, nice trousers, or anything in between. It doesn’t matter what you wear.

What is communion?

Communion, also called the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist, is the Christian practice of sharing bread and wine/grape juice with other believers. In doing so, we remember the last meal Jesus had with his disciples before he died, and meditate upon how his death bought eternal life for us. If you are a Christian who has placed trust in Jesus for salvation and are a member of a congregation that proclaims the gospel, you are welcome to join us in communion. If those things are not true of where you are, we ask that you do not partake, but that instead you observe and perhaps meditate or pray. This isn’t because we want to exclude anyone, but rather because communion is a sacred act that indicates faith in Jesus.

What is the offering?

The offering is an opportunity for those committed to Fremantle Church to give money toward the work of the church. If you are visiting, you have no duty or obligation to give. We’re just grateful you’re with us.

Have more questions?

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