Sessions at fremantle Church

Sessions at Fremantle Church is a series of laid-back evenings featuring a variety of Fremantle’s premier musicians.

Some of the much-loved local bands and artists that you can see at regular live music venues such as Mojos or Clancy’s are playing throughout the year in our chapel.

The church has a congregation full of musicians, artists and enthusiasts who love the local galleries and music venues the port city has to offer – and we want to add to that scene.

Our venue suits the music being stripped back and intimate, some of it fully acoustic or with the bands taking a different approach to their songs as they utilise the sonics of the space.

Fremantle Church is offering our chapel as a live music venue because we believe this is a great way to “love our neighbour”.

Freo is an arts-based community, and as we have a space that lends itself to this type of event, this is how we want to connect with people.

Our desire to support the local arts community stems also from one of the postures that our church holds, which is “create”. We recognise God as the greatest of all creators and long to cultivate the spirit of creativity in our homes, congregation, and community.

Art at fremantle Church

Art is an important part of our community at Fremantle Church. We value engaging the vibrant movement of the arts in all forms that exist around us. From gallery openings to installations within our chapel, we hold space for stories of brokenness and beauty around us.

“All artists, in this sense, operate out of a faith in abundance and the experience of hope, despite the propensity of our egos to twist all that is good and make idols. If what we are created to do actually allows us to fly beyond the limited capacities of reason and observation, perhaps we will believe that there is abundance at the base of creation and that we can create out of that abundance without having to explain how we access it. We are free to take flight in the grace of its sustaining currents without knowing where the wind comes from.” - Art and Faith, Makoto Fujimura.

This thinking allows us at Fremantle Church to show generosity of our gallery space and engage the artists and the work they offer from a place of curiosity and respect.